
[Blog #2] The Supreme Court


Before reading the article about the Supreme Court, I thought the Supreme Court was just a place to deal with difficult cases, and when it dealing cases, it may possible to propose a change of law. The video and the History Channel changed my thought.


The Supreme Court is the most powerful court in United State. Things surprise me are the Supreme Court is over all laws of the United States. Also the court has the power to check the government department. Most of the cases the court dealing with have had a great impact about the United State.


I leaned that the Supre Court established in 1789. The court should have six justices, lowest of five to highest ten, and set nine justices from 1869 until today.


[Blog #1] Five Top Sources of News and Information


Twitter is a good news source for me. Almost all over the world use Twitter, so you can find almost everything you want on it. Twitter allowed you to get informations from people you like. You can follow these people and saw what they send and retweet. Even if you cannot find informations you want from these people you followed, you can open trending tabs to see what is going on.

Sina Weibo is my first choice for looking for news. It is also a social media source just like Twitter. You can follow people to see what happening. The question is, informations you can found in Weibo are controlled by government and companies, rich people can pay Sina company to let them delete things they do not want people see. But most users will keep sending informations to let people know what happened.

Friends always give me update on the news. They will not allowed I miss something that they knew. Most of them are going to text me and say "Do you know what happened about …". Actually this is really helpful. But there is one problem. Most of people will choose to become a friend to each other because they have same view or interest, so this makes them are talking similar view or thoughts.

Google is where I choose to found a different view or thought from my friends. You can search everything I want to know and it will showed results to me. What you need to do is just read them and figure out what you need.

Newspaper is the one I read at China. My father loves to read news from newspaper, so he still subscribe some newspaper every year. I really love to share newspaper with him every morning and change our thoughts. Also, you can collect news that you are interested in by cut them down from newspaper.

[Blog #2] The Supreme Court

  Before reading the article about the Supreme Court, I thought the Supreme Court was just a place to deal with difficult cases, and when it...